.NET Components

These are components I've developed for .NET. They are all written in C#, and full source code is provided. Their binaries and source code are licensed using the MIT license.

[Current] Libraries ≥ 2020

My source code is available on GitHub, and assembly packages are available via NuGet.

Menees.Common, Menees.Windows.*, Menees.Diffs.*

See the Libraries repo on GitHub, and assembly packages at NuGet.


See the Remoting repo on GitHub.


See the Analyzers page.

[Old] Libraries ≤ 2019


Menees.Common - Core utility classes for file handling, text processing, logging, data conversion, read-only collections, XML, command-line parsing, user setting storage, folder browsing, and exception handling. These types are GUI-agnostic, and the code is compliant with most FxCop and StyleCop rules.


Menees.Windows.Forms - Windows Forms-related classes for text searching, simple input, read-only output, wait cursor management, tabbed MDI handling, and "about box" display. This also includes extended versions of .NET's ListView, PropertyGrid, RichTextBox, and ToolStrip classes as well as updates to the FormSaver and RecentItemList classes from the old Menees library.  The code is compliant with most FxCop and StyleCop rules, and it requires Menees.Common.


Menees.Windows.Presentation - WPF-related classes for window, modal dialog, and user control operations. This includes controls like a resizable Calendar and HyperlinkButton. This also includes classes for window saving (e.g., size, position, and settings), value conversion, wait cursor management, and "about box" display.  The code is compliant with most FxCop and StyleCop rules, and it requires Menees.Common.


Menees.Diffs - Non-visual, GUI-agnostic classes to find differences between text sequences, binary sequences, and directories. Text differencing is performed using the algorithm from An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations by Eugene W. Myers. Binary differencing is performed using the algorithm from A Linear Time, Constant Space Differencing Algorithm by Randal C. Burns and Darrell D. E. Long as well as from Differential Compression: A Generalized Solution For Binary Files by Randal C. Burns. The output of a binary diff can also be written as a GDIFF stream.  The code is compliant with most FxCop and StyleCop rules, and it requires Menees.Common.


Menees.Diffs.Controls - Windows Forms controls for displaying text differences and directory differences..  The code is compliant with most FxCop and StyleCop rules, and it requires Menees.Common, Menees.Windows.Forms, and Menees.Diffs.

[Old] Menees ≤ 2012

Menees - A few classes, components, and controls that I found myself needing in .NET. You may need them to build other software on my site. Some of what's contained in Menees: