The Road To Shodan
A Guide To Reaching First Degree Black Belt
by Bill Menees
Shodan means “First Degree Black Belt”.
This book covers the quest for black belt like no other book before. It is not about individual techniques or styles. Instead, it’s about the common experiences that occur across all major styles of martial arts on the road to black belt. It is a concise manual of best practices that will help you to:
The primary audience for this book is anyone interested in practicing a martial art who has not yet reached the rank of black belt—for people who haven’t started a martial art yet all the way up through experienced practitioners who are close to testing for black belt. It can also be a valuable guide for advanced martial artists who are instructing others on their “Road to Shodan”. Whatever martial art you study and whatever your age and skill level, you will benefit from this fascinating book.
For more information, visit the publisher's page or email
See the errata for the 1st edition.